Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Frozen Moments. Have to say my mind went straight to high speed things 'frozen' in time and space - well also to ice cream and icicles! I had a few concepts but just didn't make them happen in, time getting away from me.

I did hope to get a photo like this - the shaking water, flappy ears and jowls, oh and some flying slobber! This dog is awesome, I love him to bits (not mine though).

I really wanted to do an icicle shot, but they're not easy to come by in an Australian summer. Luckily I came across this and thought it was a similar look to what I'd have liked! Prizes for guessing what it is.......
This last one was purely opportunistic - I had planned to take photos of my friends dancing at this event - but then The Roulettes arrived! Planes frozen in the sky and and in formation, too perfect :)


  1. Gorgeous Bull Mastiff! I really love something about that last shot, it's just lovely!

  2. What a great dog! I do really like the last shot too. I have no idea what the droplet is though lol!

  3. I'm going to guess that the droplet is dog saliva! Great shot! I love the simplicity and composition of the roulettes and the processing sets it off perfectly.

  4. Great shots - I'm going for dog drool too lol! Cracking last shot with the planes :)

  5. I am going to take a guess that the droplet is dog slobber?

  6. Yep! A hanging dog slobber- so gross, but it worked for me.

    Funny, the plane shot I ummed and ahhhed about for ages, it was one of 2 or 3 that I was having trouble deciding on. I kept coming back to it though, there was just something that made it the right shot for here. I'm glad you like it too :)
