Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Stranger Expression

Oooooooh boy, taking photos of strangers is tricky! And catching them with 'expression' is even trickier. I so chickened out of even trying to do sneaky street photography, even though that was my initial intention. So while this does feel a bit like cheating, here's my version of expression - shot at a kid's jazz concert. It was super fun and this dancer guy had THE BEST face ever! Lots of big 'happy dance face'. (i loved him, love me some cheesy dancing....)

The 'hey you over there look at me, I'm so awesome :D' face.

Next is the 'I'm being smiley and super engaging with the children' face (even though he looks well, just a little creepy if I'm honest)

Now this one might be slightly controversial but I'm going with it anyway! Jazz drummer with no particular emotion/expression because this is the classic 'jazz musician being so incredibly cool and musical that they never have any expression' face.Which to me is an expression entirely worthy of its own category!!

BTW, concert was amazing! Hanging out for the recording so I can have cool kid's music at home :)


  1. Great expressive shots Lorrella! Love the cool dude :)

  2. Well done, stranger pics are so daunting!! I also think expression two is closer to creepy then happy ;)

  3. I love these, especially the first one! The second one makes him look like one of those creepy human-like puppets.. lol.

  4. He certainly has a very expressive face. That second 1 is totally over the top and I can imagine kids being slightly worried by it. LOL Love the cool Jazz man.

  5. His face was just the best, he was really good with the kids - that second shot doesn't do him justice at all! I was a couple of seconds too late for that one really. I still a little bit cheaty, but maybe I'll try for proper strangers later in the year when I'm less scared...
