Friday, 1 March 2013



My theme - I'd better bring the goods then! When I chose the theme, I had some ideas about what I might like to do - most likely an animal, kid/s and maybe an older person. Turns out I did none of these things! This turned into a self portrait project for me, which I never intended at all.....

This has been a huge learning week for me - flash, posing myself, getting the focus right (thanks to my kitchen broom for being my stand in!), getting the tripod set up right, keeping the remote trigger out of shot and having to look at my flaws on the screen. I HATE being in front of the camera, I'm never happy with how I look. Then I remember that if I were to die tomorrow - there's no nice pictures of me for my son to have. So with that in mind, I thought I'd try and catch the 'best me' that I could. Hair, make up, pose, think 'model' thoughts!

So here I am...

I learnt a lot from this! I have one good side and one 'look' (making me entirely useless for any Top Model series), it's quite confronting looking straight down the barrel of the camera when you mostly avoid them and that I'm glad I did this. Getting it right took a lot of time and a LOT of shots. I couldn't have done this with film, so I am enormously grateful for digital technology. 

Also, doing the shooting myself allowed me to do things and try poses I would never do in front of anyone else and that was liberating. All in all I'm really happy with how the shots turned out - and that I have photos of me that I can look at without cringing. 


  1. Those are great Lorrella! I take my hat off to anyone brave enough to get in front of the camera and do self portraits. Love the first one the best, but they have all turned out really well :)

  2. Excellent selfies, I like the last one!! You did really well, and some lovely photos for your son!

  3. I really like these. It's so hard to do self portraits and you got three great ones.

  4. Well done. I would never be that brave! Love the second one.

  5. You did an awesome job, self portraits are a real challenge!

  6. So brave! Lovely job!!

    Next time you do selfies, try the opposites - looking up, love your beautiful eyes ;)

  7. great job! I like the variety :-)

  8. Doing selfies can be really scary but I'm glad you stuck with it as they're fantastic! I really, really love the first one. :-)
